My Why

I went into medicine to heal patients in an evidence-based way. I wanted to understand how the body works and why disease occurs. I wanted to educate patients, heal children, prevent disease, restore health. I wanted to make an impact on a vulnerable population that could not advocate for themselves and make a lasting difference in their lives and the lives of their communities.

It started off as an interest in the science of health, later drawn in by medical missions work overseas. Just a small piece of information, a simple community health intervention, a thoughtful diagnosis and inexpensive medication or vaccination made a dramatic difference in a child’s life.

photo of woman carrying child
Photo by Taryn Elliott on

I’m now deep in the trenches of academia and making an impact in a different way. But I still feel the pull of community and global health. Health of the child but also of their mother who has the most powerful impact in any community. Mothers are the consummate caregiver and they, too, deserve to be cared for. Their health deserves to be prioritized and nurtured. Maternal literacy, health and wellness dramatically impacts the health of our next generation.

As I am caring for the health of pediatric patients, now I also feel drawn to care for their caregivers, who charge on and yet are too often overlooked and undervalued. I wonder who cares for the mother’s health and wellness? Who makes sure they have nutritious meals today? Are they able to set aside time for physical fitness? Do they have deep, restorative sleep? Are they able to prioritize their social connections and manage their stress?

Of course there is the impact on the mothers themselves, but there is a significant downstream effect on their children, the rest of the family and indeed society as a whole, when mother is also taken care of. When I reflect on it, in order to effectively care for my young patients, I also need to be mindful of the state their parents’ well-being. Children will model their parents’ habits and mindset.

As I reflect on my evolving values through the lens of motherhood with my original “why”, I am better understanding my urge to shift the direction of my work.