My Ideal Day

ideal day
Photo by Alex Green on

As 2022 is coming to a close, and I am neck deep in frenetic planning, work deadlines and assignments I didn’t ask for but somehow said yes to, I am now giving myself the breathing room to ask, what do I want my day to look like in my ideal world? This is inspired from Jillian Johnsrud‘s post. If you had enough passive income to cover all your basic expenses, how would you structure your day? What about your week? Your year?

Another way I have heard it framed it from Jenny Blake’s “Pivot”. What does success look like to you? Success to me is being able to live out my ideal day, week and year. So, here we go.

Ideal day (“Success, to me, looks like”):

Sleep for 9 hours and wake up 7:30-8 make and have breakfast with kids, get them ready for school and drop them off.

Return home, slowly sip a cup of tea, staring out the window or looking at nature, in silence or with very quiet classical music. Walk on the beach in solitude. Meditate, pray and journal. Exercise for 30 minutes.

This is the big unknown, but I would then work for about 3 hours. In this life, I would not be at my current job, probably not in my current profession. I would be doing remote, freelance work possible related to my traditional job, but also working on my writing.

This would be followed by a lunch, either by myself, with my husband or maybe a friend. Most days I would clean and organize the house. I would volunteer once a week or once every other week, maybe at the library or hospital or other non-profit.

I would then work for another hour before picking up kids and accompany them to after school activities or do homework.

We would then prepare dinner together, have dinner as a family and then begin a bedtime routine.

After the kids are tucked in, I would then write and read for another hour and a half. Then, do a no-fuss bedtime routine and go to sleep.

Ideal week:

Volunteer 1 hour

Friends dinner 1-2x/month

Individual mom/daughter dates 1-2x/month

Date night with husband 1-2x/month

Seeing parents/in-laws 2 times per month

Exercise 3-5 times per week

Something creative- paint, concert, writing, workshop

Ideal year:

5 week vacations (1-2 international (1-2 weeks), one ski)

A month long sabbatical overseas

One vacation or long weekend with just my husband

A few weekends where I can just be alone and write (in a hotel or retreat setting)

Extended family get-togethers- Thanksgiving, Christmas, ski trips, summer barbecues. Kids sleepovers with cousins.

Pondering these possibilities brings a smile to my face and sparks hope for the changes I’m planning to make in the coming year.

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